The Danny Gallivan Trust is a small military charity that was formed in 2013 by Kerry Gallivan, the daughter of Danny Gallivan. Danny served in the Irish Guards, he then joined the Guards Independent Parachute Company, serving his country in Aden, Libya and Malaya.
The Danny Gallivan Trust
Tri Services Aid

Danny Gallivan

After leaving the Army, Danny worked as a welder during which time he built one of the first “wheelbarrow” a remotely controlled robot designed in 1972 for use by British Army bomb disposal operation, and they are considered to have saved the lives of hundreds. In Danny’s spare time his expertise in welding came in very useful to his friend James Hunt as his F1 cars always required welding!
Danny passed away in 2012, the charity has been set up in his name to help Veterans from all conflicts to get back on their feet after fallen on hard times.
Our Mission Statement
The charity, formed in 2013, provides homeless veterans of all generations with hot food and drinks, sleeping bags, warm clothing, footwear, washing and shaving kits. Our welfare team give assistance in helping these heroes find accommodation, work and introduce them to other agencies that can help these brave men and women get their lives back on track.
Whilst we have strong ties with former service personnel it became clear to us that homelessness is a far bigger problem for the wider community not just veterans. Therefore, we are now doing what we can to help anyone who is homeless in Kent, by supplying hot food and drinks, warm clothing, wash kits, shaving kits and friendship.